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Best Android Phones of 2012

Android phones become one of the most popular cellphones used on 2012 beside iphone. Android has many apps available like iphone apps on apple.

So, what android phone you plan to buy on 2012?

In 2011 was all about the dual core processors. There area amazing phones such as the Samsung Galaxy SII, Motorola Droid RAZR Maxx,  and the others are capable of.

In 2012, chip makers will be offering quad core processors that supports mobile multitasking and it performance would be comparable to what a desktop computer could obtain a few years back. These processors would be powered by TI’s OMAP and Tegra 3 SoC’s equivalent.

Companies including Sony, Samsung, HTC, Meizu,Motorola and LG are some of the companies that are in works to bring in products with quad core processors. So let’s take a look at some of the best android phones of 2012 that we can expect to see in the market this year.


Motorola is planning to launch its Tegra 3 devices in the second quarter. This phones will have a quad three code Tegra 3 processor.  Motorola Jet  will also feature a Tegra 3 processor and have an amazing QWERT keyboard, an NFC chip as well as a 12 MP camera. On the other hand it would also have an NFC chip, a 12 MP camera and more.


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